Diwali, the Festival of Lights

             It's officially Diwali, people. Diwali, or "deepa oli" is a festival of lights, the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil. It's a celebration that knows no bounds. Everyone in India joins to take part in this beautiful festival of lights and joy. Diwali is about family, friends and just having a great time with the people you love.

             It starts by waking up early, maybe helping your parents with the pooja (depends on how religious you are), eating the delicious food your mom made,  giving the abundance of sweets you have to the neighbours and receiving their sweets as well and then taking a family picture. Diwali is the time when people visit their neighbours, exchange pleasantries and bond more.

             It's funny how people only get closer to each other when there's an occasion. However, I'm glad that the effort is being made through the means of celebrations. On Diwali, we tend to eat a LOT of junk food. Especially sweets. Sweets play a major role in Diwali and it is just tradition to celebrate with something sweet in our lives. Obviously, no one is going to stop you from doing so. Just go nuts and have fun. But make sure it's a one day thing. The more you consume sweets, the higher the chances of you getting diabetes (I'm sure you know that already). Also, I don't mean to sound preachy but kindly refrain from bursting firecrackers. They're harmful to everyone and everything around you, including yourself. Have a safe and happy Diwali, guys! 


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