Bihar's food habits

              India is a rich nation filled with a countless number of tradition. Our culture is so unique from the rest of the world since people from different parts of this same nation have different cultural habits. Even though we are Indians in a nutshell, we are SO much more than that. Let's have a look at one of our own states, Bihar.

             Bihar is a culturally rich state that has really interesting traditions and food habits. The people in Bihar, Jharkhand, Eastern Uttar Pradesh and Bangladesh share the same cuisine. Most of the people in Bihar are vegetarians since they follow the principles of Buddhism and Hinduism which support non-violence towards animals. However, some people still opt consuming fish as Bihar is covered in multiple rivers and there is an abundance of fish products for the locals.

              Similar to most Indians, Bihari people love milk products such as curd, buttermilk, lassi and the like. To a great extent, Bihar food is similar to most North Indian food but it also has the influence of North Eastern Indian cuisine. One can say it's a fusion of both North and North Eastern Indian cuisine.

              From what I have read, the cuisine of Bihari people seems pretty balanced and really healthy. Their diet seems like the kind of diet that doctors usually have a picture of in their clinics. But in this case, the diet is actually being followed. It isn't followed for the sake of being good looking. They follow this diet to be fit and to be able to do jobs that require hard working people. Eventually, healthy food became their staple diet. They get all their required nutrients, if not more, from the fish and vegetables. In the end, veggies are always the answer.


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