Vegetarian vs. Non Vegetarian Food

             Everything can be made into food these days. Stems, roots, kidneys, brain and even genitals (disgusting, but true). Some people choose to be vegetarians or vegans as opposed to being non vegetarians due to cultural practices or for a certain kind of diet. Today, I'm writing about the pros and cons of both vegetarian and non vegetarian food to see comei I can to a personal conclusion about the superiority of one or if they're both important. 

              Vegetarian food has a lot of pros. It helps in reducing the risk of heart diseases, hypertension and various health problems. It also reduces the risk of cancer by a certain margin which is pretty amazing, to say the least. The nutrient intake from consuming plants is very close to the National recommendation. Digestion of vegetarian food happens very fast when compared to non vegetarian food.  However, vegetarian food also has some cons. This diet can be low in certain vitamins and fatty acids and hence might not provide us with enough energy for certain activities. Pregnant women and new mothers require more nutrients than the ones present in vegetables, which can only be obtained by consuming non vegetarian food. Psychologists have performed experiments and have come to a conclusion which states that some people practice a vegetarian diet so as to not feel guilty about over eating. This idea is flawed and is also unhealthy. 

               Now, non vegetarian food also has its own pros and cons. When you go to a restaurant, you have twice as many options while ordering while vegetarians only have limited options. Meat provides the human body with the required fatty acids to give more energy and improve the strength of the body. It also improves mental strength. Like everything, non vegetarian food also has its cons. It is relatively unhealthier than vegetarian food. Over consumption of meat may lead to various health problems including heart diseases. Moreover, meat takes a relatively longer time to get digested. 

From the above observation, it is clear that both vegetarian and non vegetarian food have their pros and cons. So, if I had to pick a diet that is perfect for the body requirements of a growing person, I would have to combine the best of both worlds. I would mainly focus on vegetarian food and consume meat occasionally. This would help in having a healthy diet but at the same time obtaining all the required nutrients from the meat (and also enjoy some delicious chicken). This is my personal opinion and based on the research I've done, this diet feels like an appropriate one to lead a healthy and satisfied life. 


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