Benifits of Organic food


Have you ever wondered where your food came from? whether it be organic or non-organic, What are the things you take note of when purchasing either of two? What classifies a product as organic relies solely on how the product was grown.

Once found only in health food stores, organic food is now a regular feature at most supermarkets.

Organic food has been gaining popularity among the people over the years, the demand for organic food has been increasing gradually and people are preferring the consumption of organic food over conventional food. It’s grown without using, pesticides, chemical-fertilizers, radiation, antibiotics and is groomed organically with no preservatives. 

There is a growing body of evidence that shows some potential health benefits of organic foods:

The genetic modification that has been adopted by organic farming has some great benefits like increasing nutritional value, enhancing flavor, plants resistance to diseases, improving yields and tolerance to herbicides which have assisted in solving some serious food production issues all over the world

Organic farming manifests environment safety as no harmful chemicals are used in the production of organic food thereby controlling the negative effects on nature. Environmental safety has to be the utmost priority considering the future of life on earth.

Organic food has a positive impact on our health, they contribute to building immunity. It enhances the ability of the body to fight against diseases. Good immunity is essential for a healthy living.


The elimination of the use of pesticides in organic farming has made the food produced safe for consumption, thereby reducing the risk of acquiring fatal health issues.

The high levels of antioxidants,omega-3 fatty acids, and other rich nutrients help in controlling the chronic disease which, generally cannot be prevented by vaccines or medication. And also organic food posses better taste as compared to conventional food, as they are cultivated only through organic means, usually are not transported over a long distance, and are sold locally which makes them garden fresh and new.


Thereby organic food has proven to be highly beneficial and it is significant to be included in our diet. 

Say no to unhealthy food, practice eating right, and staying fit!


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