Food Trends of the week


It's very important to follow food trends like we follow fashion trends it's as amazing and exciting as other trends. Food trends are widespread changes in food preferences. With the restaurants being shut and everyone inside the four walls are emerging as chefs with their creativity in cooking. As we all known the food trend for last few months was dalgona coffee and I'm sure you guys have tried. Now, its time to look into what's trending now in the food world.



A food that is never out of trend .One of the most delicious and popular dessert loved by everyone are cakes and muffins. A sweet baked food made from a mixture of flour, sugar, and other ingredients (such as eggs and butter).The most emerging and popular food item you will see while scrolling through the food pages.



We have always seen this food item as a simple food that is easy to transport, needs little or no preparation. But what if it becomes more delicious by adding some spices to it rather than just making something for breakfast or snacks as they are easy and quick . Indians have always been looking for creativity in everything and so the next trending food item are bread pakora, bread pizza, bread rolls etc.



After creating hype over dalgona coffee peeps have found new love for shakes .These days, a simple, one flavor milkshake doesn't always do the job because with flavour we need to be healthy so , with strawberry, mango and chocolate, berry shakes people are going crazy for energy smoothies as well .


Scrolling through instagram food pages the next food trend which I found was fruits and the most common and viral fruit you will be getting is raspberry. Fruits are something you will always get in people's diet. From celebrities to common people everyone has tried to include this in their diet plan . Why I'm putting this in the trending list is because fruit is something which we have it every day and just with changing of season's the replacement of other fruits are done with seasonal fruits .


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