Food and technology

 Technological developments within food production, such as the development of novel foods, may be contrasted to cultural, social, ethical, and sensual relationships to food. The rational attitude is practised in many ways, among others through scientific mapping and analysis of chemical substances in food targeted at understanding and improving human health. 

The emergence and development of the life sciences have brought about changes in our understanding of nature and thus also of food. The significant contribution of the life sciences to increased living standards and a safer appraisal of food in the Western world have been accompanied, though, by an intellectualization of our relationship to food. Knowledge gained through the life sciences influences individual and cultural approaches to food and contributes to an increased intellectual and rational attitude toward food. For instance, information on labels of processed food packages has during the past decennia become more detailed and more explicitly related to health effects. The consumer is in the grocery shop confronted with information on different labels, some indicating health effects. Food consumption and the choice of food products are thus affected not just by personal taste, availability, and cultural traditions, but also by life science knowledge available on labels. 

Food scientists and technologists research to solve problems in the food industry and keep pace with new developments. They analyse samples to determine their physical, microbiological, chemical or spectrographic nature. Food science technology is about the development of new and enhanced quality of food, different food processes to produce modified food, materials required to pack food, shelf life, sensory evaluation, consumer and chemical testing of food. Scientists associated with the food industry are known as food scientists. They make a report and study food products and its changing properties. Food science includes multiple scientific disciplines and concepts like chemistry, physiology, microbiology, biochemistry, chemical engineering. Food science helps in developing methods and ways by which food can be produced for the growing population and prevented from perishing. 

Food safety can be ensured by proper monitoring over the food production houses. Food safety departments do an inspection and check the sanitation condition, food manufacturing practices, and the environment in which food is kept. Researchers work day and night and develop techniques which find pathogens and toxins in the food products. They also lookout in the area like packaging and food processing which further reduces the growth of organisms. It is important to understand that all microorganisms are not harmful or toxic; there are good bacteria as well as bad. Removal of bad bacteria is necessary to prevent the spoilage of food items. So the question comes how one can control the spoilage of food, it is simple. Kill all the harmful bacteria without killing the good ones. These challenges for nutrition and food science technology can only be met through integrating disciplines, and through active interactions, collaborations, and partnerships.


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