Veganism shouldn’t be confused with being vegetarian. It's not only about the diet but also following a lifestyle and being humane to animals .
Veganism is the practice that’s been followed by people for quite a while now which includes ,eliminating all kinds of exploitation of animals done for food, clothing or be it any other purpose . This is the practice in which the diet followed is generally plant-based avoiding animal food be it dairy ,eggs,meat,the products tested on animals and the materials derived from the animals .
The vegan diet has great diversity,it consists of all types of vegetables,fruits,grains,seeds ,nuts ,pulses -which can be used innovatively in different combinations to come up with new recipes.Any of your favourite dish can be made suitable for vegan diet by just using the plant based ingredients.
Though Veganism is a commendable and a compassionate practice to protect the animals ,it has also become a popular topic of debates about its downside effects whilst some people claim otherwise.
Talking of vegan lifestyle, It’s the impact on health and balanced nutrition that should be the point of concern . It’s very essential to have a nutritional diet that is balanced consisting of ingredients like proteins , oils , fats , vitamins etc. As the diet followed by vegans wouldn’t offer these nutrients they find the replacement in fortified foods, which are not natural sources of elements, so It’s definitely worth the question to be raised on how healthy they are.
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